Flipboard on Migration

As part of an ongoing way to get new and up-to-date readings to students, I've been playing with different tools. This blog was one way, but I have a sneaking suspicion that students don't really read the substantive posts available here...I've also considered creating a shared "class bibliography" project using Cite-u-Like or Zotero. The idea is that there must be a way to quickly and easily share articles recent articles that we may read regularly, but that students don't see. In this way it's akin to enlarging their circle of resources. Of course, we could just add students to our social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, but I'm not one of those instructors who is comfortable sharing my Facebook information with my students and sometimes I take long breaks from Twitter. So at present, I'm playing with Flipboard. I create my own "magazine" around a particular class I'm teaching- Stats or Migration- and put articles that I think are interesting and worthwhile reading. Here's a look:
View my Flipboard Magazine.
I can see two major things missing: 1) unlike a blog, there is little commentary attached to the article unless I want to make comment to the article and 2) I imagine the magazine might start to get unwieldy when there are a lot of articles but no Table of Contents. In short, there's a lot less organizational tools in Flipboard than in a blog or even things such as Pocket. Still, the idea that if enough students are reading the articles and commenting on them, I can imagine it may get pretty interesting...
