beginning of the semester course-prep checklist

So here it is...the beginning of another semester. This time I'm taking the time to carefully document how I go about beginning each semester class as I create gradebooks, schedules, etc. This post will look at these specific things:
  • Gradebook and Attendance
  • preparing course description
  • calendar (specifically a Google Calendar)
  • Blackboard
  • Creating a student contact group in gmail
  • Creating a student group filter in gmail
Gradebook and Attendance
I use Teacher Aid Pro 2 for Android to record attendance, grades, student notes. It has a ton of useful features including the ability to randomly call on students.

1) Create a Student Information Form so that you can import the data into Teacher Aid Pro 2
2) Create a Contact Group for the class
3) Create a calendar for the course - I like to use the name instructor name...

2) Create a
