M14: Migration & Economy
Jobs and Industries - What jobs do immigrants do?
Greico (2004) What Kind of Work Do Immigrants Do? Occupation and Industry of Foreign-Born Workers in the United States (downloads factsheet)
Immigrants don’t make up the majority of workers in any US industry
Industries of unauthorized workers (2016) and Occupations of unauthorized workers
Immigrants in the Workforce-State by State and Industry by Industry
Cornelius, Wayne A. “The Mexican Presence in US Labor Markets” Mexican Migration to the United States: Origins, Consequences, and Policy Options 1, pp. 4-8 (W. Cornelius & J. Bustamante, eds, 1989). (http://tinyurl.com/j4ayxns) (8pgs)
Working in the Shadows
Impact on Natives - What Impact do Immigrants have on Native-Born Workers?
Trump wants to pit black Americans against Latino immigrants. Don’t fall for it.
Immigrants and African Americans https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/asad/files/waters_etal_2014.pdf
Borjas – 2016 – Yes, Immigrants Hurt American Workers (http://tinyurl.com/hol5pmp)
Immigration and African American wages and employment: critically appraising the empirical evidence (https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2014/retrieve.php?pdfid=205)
Ehrenreich - 2002 - Global Woman
Movie - The Harvest (80 mins) ? (https://youtu.be/JYIZy3bHDZs)
Movie - Maid in America ? (https://youtu.be/Qu7ROajsdJI)