Mod10: Interviews
In this module, we focus on the ethics in social research. Here we ask questions such as
what is the history of ethics in scientific research?
what are the ethical standards of today?
what is the process for getting research
Module Goals/Objectives
After this module, students should be able to
Assigned Readings
Babbie, Chapter 3 OR
TopHat Chapter 4
Read more about... (extra readings)
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (1932 - 1972)
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot
Assigned Media
Stanley Milgram - 1961-1963
Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View
Sheridan, C. and King, R. (1972) Obedience to Authority with and Authentic Victim, 1972. (pdf)
Prison Stanford Experiment (1973)
guards were pushed by researchers
guards were doing what they thought researchers wanted
small sample size
anecdotal evidence
biggest results was that we take on the roles assigned to us
Insider Higher Ed - Time to Dismiss the Stanford Prison Experiment?
alternative explanations
predispositions to sadism (selection bias)
BBC Prison Study: "when people can’t create a social system that works, they’ll 'more readily accept extreme solutions proposed by others' "
Suggested Homework
CITI Certification