Wk 4 and 5: Health & Mortality
Assigned Readings:
Weeks CH5: Morbidity & Mortality
Supplemental Readings:
Lesson Objectives:
describe general trends in morbidity and mortality
discuss the health and mortality transition
explain the impact of lowering infant mortality on population growth
read and describe charts including
rectangularization of mortality
deaths by age groups
define and describe the difference between life span and longevity
explain the most common measures of mortality including CDR (crude death rate) and ASDR (age-specific death rate)
read and explain the uses of a Life Table
Suggested Activity:
Handout charts for
rectangularization of mortality
deaths by age groups
life table (Activity - How to Read a Life Table)
Life Expectancy on the Rise - CNN video
Life Expectancy on the Rise in Africa - CNN video
US Life Expectancy Drops Again - Washington Post video
Life Expectancy by US State
Measure of America calculations using mortality counts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Mortality – All County Micro-Data File, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. Population counts are from the CDC WONDER Database.
Mini Ice Age = 1300 - 1850
Some of the Major Infectious Diseases
Bubonic Plague
NPR - Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
she passed away in 1951, but her cancer cells (called HeLa) were the first immortal line of cells that were used (and continue to be used) to study effects of toxins, drugs including vaccines before tests on humans
Read more about the vaccine schedules at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
smallpox vaccine known in China, Asia, and Africa since 1000
1796 - Edward Jenner smallpox vaccine (eradicated in the US 1979)
Late 1940s:
Smallpox (eradicated in US 1934)
Diptheria* (eradicated in US 2012)
*given in combination as DTP
1956 - Salk's Polio Vaccine
1963 - Measles* (eradicated in the US in 2000)
1967 - Mumps*
1969 - Rubella* (eradicated in the US in 2004)
*1971 combined into one called MMR
1980s - Hepatitis B